Energy balancing practices, tips + tools

Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

Empowered presence

Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot!

While distractions, denial, escapism, and mood-altering substances can provide some relief, what is truly helpful when we’re feeling burdened with worries? When we’re dealing with natural disasters and threats and insults and attacks on our physical, mental, and emotional selves, on our families, on our neighbors and communities, on our environment?

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

Chakra Toolkit for power, purpose + vitality

We all go through times when we feel out of sorts, off our game, stuck in a rut, activated and triggered, or repeating the same unhelpful behaviors. These times provide an invitation — to go inwards and reclaim and unleash our true power, purpose, and vitality.

In each session we’ll learn and practice techniques to help us call forth the qualities and potencies of each chakra.

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

Dreams and the third eye

The other night I was out dancing in a club with a new friend when I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to catch a plane in the morning but hadn’t packed any snacks! A stranger, who reminded me of a painter I know, called me a car to get back to my friend’s apartment. I was so grateful because I couldn’t figure out how to make my phone work. Then an elevator let me off on a random floor of a hotel, and I had to try to find my way down to the parking lot through a fancy lobby that I recognized from a movie. The whole time I was feeling bewildered. Then I woke up.

What interpretations about this dream occur to you?

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

Finding your flow

If you’re not feeling connected to the fertile abundance around and within you, spending some time working with the sacral chakra, the seat of our deep life force energy, can help. The sacral chakra, in the lower belly, draws energy up from the root and uses it to fuel our vitality, creativity, sensuality, sexuality, playfulness, and sense of freedom and flow.

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

Feeling out of synch? Time for grounding

When I’m feeling out of synch with the time, the weather, and my schedule, or if I’m repeatedly waking up depleted, scattered, foggy, or overwhelmed, I know it’s time to do some grounding. Connecting the root chakra to the Earth provides a deep sense of stability and support while aligning the body to seasonal rhythms. Now is an especially apt time before all the year-end festivities, pressures, and triggers start to accumulate.

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

What’s love got to do with healing?

When my son was little he used to get angry listening to the radio in the car — “Why are ALL the songs about LOVE?!” Love is a Battlefield. All You Need is Love. Endless Love. Tainted Love. Baby Love. Modern Love. Stupid Love. Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Is This Love? What’s Love Got to Do With It? There are many different kinds of love, and recently I was thinking about how to describe the “love” I feel during sessions with clients. It’s not romantic love, of course. It’s powerful and yet soft, coming from me and also through me. It’s closely related to “compassion,” but even that feels like just one aspect of it. While I don’t say “I love you” to my clients, I do love them, in this way. There just isn’t quite the right word for it.*

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

My favorite energy healing books

Do you get inspired by back-to-school season? I always feel more energized and focused at this time of year. In the spirit of the season, here are some of my recommendations for anyone interested in learning more about the chakras and the subtle energy bodies, both for casual, personal interest as well as professional development. This is by no means an exhaustive list but rather a few of the tried and trusted resources that I rely on and most often share with others.

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

How to Fuel Your Chakras

If you're feeling chronically exhausted, it's always a good idea to see a medical professional to identify or rule out any medical issues. If you've been tested and inspected and sent on your way without satisfactory solutions, like many clients I work with, then I invite you to take a look below and consider whether some areas of your life might need some tending. Let your intuition tell you which fuel you need most, and see if you can set aside some time to give it to yourself. Ideally we fill all seven tanks daily!

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

Looking for a do-over?

When you look back on your life, can you identify specific experiences, decisions, or encounters that set you on your current path? I often wonder how many life-defining, watershed moments we each have. One or two? Fifty? Hundreds?

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

Talking about it may not be enough

Many people have come to their first session with a common refrain: "I know what the issue is, and I'm tired of talking about it, I just want to move on." After working with therapists and other health professionals over time, we can become well-versed in our deficiencies, tendencies, triggers, traumas, and patterns. Yet awareness and understanding does not always translate into growth or change; the mind might be ready to move on while the body is still holding on to the past, repeating unconscious and unwanted reactions and patterns of behavior.

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

Free yourself from knotty beliefs

We all accumulate beliefs as we move through the world. Over time, with healthy curiosity, education, and exposure, many of our beliefs evolve and adapt. When someone holds rigid beliefs that don't change even after being challenged or contradicted by direct personal experience or education, we recognize that there is a problem, and we see every day in the news how harmful and misguided this can be on the social level. And yet many of us are not aware of the rigid and outmoded beliefs we hold about ourselves and how they impede our health and well-being.

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

Stand in the place where you are

As an energy healer I can see how so many physical problems originate from imbalances and distortions in our first (root) chakra -- what ought to be a vital energetic connection to the earth and one another. I can see now how my "stance," my orientation towards the world as a child, was exacerbating my pain and impeding my healing.

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

Feeling charged up? Clear your throat

The news cycles can send many of us on a spiral through heavy emotions: despair, shock, anguish, fear, frustration, exasperation, rage... This can be overwhelming and difficult to manage and process, especially if there's resonance with any personal trauma we may be carrying.

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Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes Chakra Balancing Alexa de los Reyes

What is remote healing?

One of the more intriguing aspects of energy healing is the phenomenon of healing at a distance. Many people have a hard time with the concept, understandably. As the NIH observed, distance healing poses "a host of epistemological challenges.

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  • If you are interested in energy healing, or are just curious, I highly recommend Alexa. I've had 2 sessions now, both which have been incredibly insightful for me. The first was in person, and the second was remote. In both sessions, Alexa was able to sense areas where I was blocked/needed energy flow and worked with those through her practice. Also, through dialoguing with me after, we talked through what she saw during the session, and how they resonated with me as areas in my life that need growth and attention. Alexa was able to give some ideas about attending to these areas, and was able to give them in a way that felt truthful but not prescriptive--she definitely works with you toward balance and healing. Alexa is clearly well trained in honing her gift--she is a wonderful combination of being wise and calm. I look forward to future sessions!

    –C.P., Registered Nurse
    Washington, DC