1:1 Sessions

alexa hands on client's feet treatment

What happens in a session?

We start with a brief discussion about goals and any history or circumstances that are relevant to what you’re looking to work on. Then you relax — on my massage table, or at your home if we’re working remotely — while I use intuition and high sense perception to identify and interpret imbalances, blockages, vulnerabilities, or deficiencies in the energy field that might be inhibiting vitality and well-being. I then work with your energy to re-establish alignment and coherence.

People report that the treatment is deeply relaxing and nourishing, like a revitalizing nap. Afterwards I share what I perceived, answer questions, and make recommendations for self-directed practices to support ongoing healing.

I am committed to providing a nurturing, beneficial experience for each person’s overall wellness. I welcome people from any and all backgrounds, races and ethnicities, sexual orientations, and gender expressions. No prior experience with this work is assumed or expected.

Schedule your session

I reserve a few discounted sessions per month for people with limited means. To reserve a spot get in touch for details and availability before scheduling a session.


  • For new clients. In person in Amherst or over the phone worldwide. Sessions include an intake conversation, energy balancing and assessment, discussion, and customized take-aways.


  • For clients who have already had an initial session. In person in Amherst or over the phone worldwide. Sessions include brief check-in, energy balancing, discussion, and customized take-aways.


  • For clients who have already had an initial session. A focused phone session to work on a specific issue or for a quick overall reset.



  • Discounted three session package for new clients. Includes an initial 90 minute session and two subsequent 75 minute sessions, either in person or remote. Valid for one year from date of purchase.


  • Discounted five session package for clients who have already had an initial session. Includes five 75 minute sessions, in person or remote. Valid for one year from date of purchase.


  • Discounted package of five 30-minute phone sessions. Great for a quick re-set or to focus on one or two issues.


I am fully vaccinated and will wear a mask upon request. Mask wearing is optional for clients.


For in-person sessions, please let me know if you anticipate any difficulty walking up one flight of stairs or reclining on a standard massage table. The table can accommodate clients up to 6' 5" tall and up to 300 lbs. And please alert me to any relevant allergies.


I understand that unplanned issues come up that may necessitate rescheduling or cancelling a scheduled appointment. Please contact me at least 24-hours prior to the scheduled appointment time to avoid a cancellation fee of 50% of the full session. If you feel ill on the day of your session, there is no penalty for canceling.

  • "I come from a family of spiritual healers and grew up in a community whose practice of pre-Colombian traditions of herbal medicine and spiritual health were part of eating and breathing. Yesterday, I placed myself in the hands of Alexa de los Reyes. After the session, I accomplished what I have not done on my own with Yoga, praying, and healthy eating for the last past three years. My mind was clear, my legs were painless, and an intense urge to reconnect with my mother, who I have not talked to for a year, came to me. I feel strong and flexible in my mind, in my heart, and in my body. Muchas gracias Alexa desde el fondo de mi corazón."

    –B.R., Biologist
    Washington, DC

  • "Alexa has worked her healing magic on me several times now. Each time I get up from her table I am re-energized, my mind is clearer, and I see the world through new eyes. PLUS I feel more joyful, confident, and centered. I highly recommend Alexa--she has a true gift that everyone deserves to experience. "

    –E.J., Nutritionist
    Washington, DC

  • "I had one in-person session with Alexa and have done several phone sessions with her. I’m a regular user of acupuncture, herbal treatments, and chiropractic work, but I have been skeptical of other New Age healing practices. Alexa, however, is truly intuitive. After my very first session with Alexa, she diagnosed my conditions and manifestations in almost an identical way as my Chinese-trained practitioners, but using her own language, based on chakras. My husband read Alexa’s diagnosis of my physical and emotional conditions, and said it was like reading an intimate account of me, written by someone who has been treating me for years."

    –E.C., Art Consultant
    Arlington, VA