Energy balancing practices, tips + tools
Is your intuition getting a busy signal?
If your mind is feeling a bit noisy and cramped these days, or if you’re seeking inspiration or guidance and wondering why it hasn’t shown up, consider where in your day you might reclaim some pockets of time where you are not overloading your senses with someone else’s thoughts and ideas. Try driving, walking, or cooking without audiobooks and podcasts. Eat without talking, reading, or scrolling. If you find that quiet can send you into a ruminative loop, try “turning the channel” and opening your curiosity to your surroundings — pay attention to bodily sensations, ambient sounds and smells, interesting visuals in your environment. Open your senses so that your own creativity, inspiration, and intuition can get a word in edgewise.
Want to know what you know?
How do you tend to make decisions? Do you go with your first instinct no matter what? Do you weigh pros and cons, ask a trusted friend (or many!) for advice, read articles, fret and fuss? Or maybe you put off choosing until it’s almost too late and then let circumstances decide for you?
While I have done all of the above at different times, more and more I’m making an effort to skip all the hemming and hawing and instead turn to intuitive guidance.
The healing power of writing
If you're trying to make some changes in your life, writing out your demands and desires is a powerful first step. I like how the philosopher Epictetus put it: "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." Is there something you would like to declare independence from? Habits, behavioral patterns, entanglements, or limiting circumstances? Do you have a vision of "what you would be" without all that?
Making space for growth
Regarding weeding and gardening in general, I'm usually pretty hands off. Why mess with nature? Unexpected and charming things can show up. Plus it's good for the bees! Recently, though, I've been getting worried that invasives will crowd out the beautiful blooms that were lovingly cultivated over the years in this little plot. Given the limited space and resources, pulling weeds means that more desirable things can flourish.
Trust your heart for accurate intuition
If you've been to Luray Caverns in Virginia (pictured above), you know the surprising visual twist contained in this image. While this looks like a vast underground cavern covered in stalactites (mineral deposits hanging from the ceiling) and stalagmites (rising from the ground), that's not quite true.
Reminder: Ask for guidance!
Do you have a burning question about the meaning of life? Why not have a little fun, find a magical source of wisdom today, and see what it tells you.
How to do intuitive decision-making
I learned something about intuitive decision-making years ago in Blockbuster Video. After spending way too long wandering the aisles and choosing and rejecting videos one evening, my husband and I had finally narrowed our selection down to two. We just couldn't choose between them, so he suggested flipping a coin and leaving it to chance, and I agreed.