Feeling charged up? Clear your throat

a female lion roaring

Sometimes events in the news cycle resonate with our own personal trauma, and we can start to feel powerless, overwhelmed, and enraged. Often this charge can be felt as a painful lump in the throat. Below are several practices that can help release excess "charge" from the throat chakra so we can be clear-headed and centered when confronting challenges ahead.

Noise + Silence

The throat chakra is our communication center, where we can experience challenges around speaking truth and listening to our inner voice. One way to keep an open and balanced throat chakra is to make noise. Sing, hum, whisper, shout, scream, yawn, laugh, or roar -- whatever feels good. Including lion's pose in your yoga practice energizes and supports this area. Getting energy flowing through the throat makes space for expressing our authentic nature.

Any creative expression connects with this chakra, including writing. Take some time to write out your deepest truths and fleeting thoughts in a letter or a journal. You can decide whether or not to share it with a congressman in an elevator or just keep it to yourself. Just the physical act of writing our thoughts, feelings, and intentions can get a healing process started.

The opposite of noise and expression is also important for balancing the throat chakra — silence. In order to honor your own inner voice, you have to be able to hear it. Quieting the mind is the first step, and developing a practice of meditation — sitting, walking, painting— is a great way to do this. Spending some time each day in solitude and quiet, even just a few minutes, does wonders for our physical, emotional, and mental health.

Control Your Breath

Focused deep breathing with equal inhales and exhales is a fast way to bring the body out of a stress response and can also help open the throat chakra. I like "Four Part Breath." Sit with feet on the floor, eyes closed. Inhale deeply for four counts, hold the breath in for four counts, exhale for four counts, hold the breath out for four counts. Continue for 1-4 minutes.

I also recommend “Breath of Fire,” a Kundalini Yoga staple. This is an energizing breath that can also help clear the mind. Find detailed instructions here.

Alexa de los Reyes

I’m an intuitive energy healer in Amherst, MA. Each month I share ideas and practices for self-inquiry and self-directed energy balancing.


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