Energy balancing practices, tips + tools

Gratitude and Mindfulness Alexa de los Reyes Gratitude and Mindfulness Alexa de los Reyes

All we need is … patience

As summer’s sultry vibe settles in, time seems to slow and expand. We have places to go, things to do, people to meet, and yet the heat dictates a slower pace.

While this can feel frustrating when we are trying to get things done, it also provides an opportunity to reconsider the value of taking a slower, more deliberate approach. For healing and self-awareness, for example, softness, curiosity, and compassion can yield more subtle and profound rewards than aggressive action.

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Intuition and Perception Alexa de los Reyes Intuition and Perception Alexa de los Reyes

Is your intuition getting a busy signal?

If your mind is feeling a bit noisy and cramped these days, or if you’re seeking inspiration or guidance and wondering why it hasn’t shown up, consider where in your day you might reclaim some pockets of time where you are not overloading your senses with someone else’s thoughts and ideas. Try driving, walking, or cooking without audiobooks and podcasts. Eat without talking, reading, or scrolling. If you find that quiet can send you into a ruminative loop, try “turning the channel” and opening your curiosity to your surroundings — pay attention to bodily sensations, ambient sounds and smells, interesting visuals in your environment. Open your senses so that your own creativity, inspiration, and intuition can get a word in edgewise.

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Gratitude and Mindfulness Alexa de los Reyes Gratitude and Mindfulness Alexa de los Reyes

And you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get here?”

Have you had the experience of “waking up” at some point during your day and realizing you hadn’t been fully present until that moment? It can be startling and also clarifying, like when the optometrist clicks that just-right lens into place. Experiencing clear vision brings the realization that up until that point you’d been seeing everything blurry.

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Energy Accounting Alexa de los Reyes Energy Accounting Alexa de los Reyes

Year-end energy accounting: who are you minding?

Are you being mindful of who you’re minding? Now might be the perfect time to do some energy accounting and enter the new year with reclaimed and refreshed energy stores. Are there entanglements or distractions you can leave behind? Anyone whose mental or emotional grip you might release with compassion and forgiveness?

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Energy Accounting Alexa de los Reyes Energy Accounting Alexa de los Reyes

How to cope with compassion fatigue

Are you feeling overwhelmed, numb, powerless, or on edge in response to the unrelenting episodes of senseless violence, tragedy, and injustice? Some people are able to move through intense emotions and continue on with their lives without difficulty. Others, however, carry the intensity with them, often unconsciously, where it can have deep and destabilizing effects on their health and well-being. If that feels like you, I am writing to share mindsets and practices that might help you cope with and ultimately shift that tendency.

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Body Wisdom Alexa de los Reyes Body Wisdom Alexa de los Reyes

Calming the body to calm the mind

I have a feeling that right now you're holding some stress and tension in your body. Tight shoulders? Clenched jaw? Furrowed brow? These postures and positions create a vicious circle -- they tell your nervous system that there's something to be stressed out about, perpetuating a state of "high alert." Do you have 30 seconds to spare? Let's take advantage and change the message.

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Gratitude and Mindfulness Alexa de los Reyes Gratitude and Mindfulness Alexa de los Reyes

Prescription for the slog: Awe

As we slog through another pandemic-y February, how are your self-care strategies holding up? At this point you might have a handy list of mood-balancing practices — get fresh air, put down the phone, talk to a friend, do some movement, drink water, eat with intention — and yet ... maybe some new tools would be welcome?

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Stress and Anxiety Alexa de los Reyes Stress and Anxiety Alexa de los Reyes

Nine energy balancing practices for holiday stress

How are you holding up so far this holiday season? There are always reasons to celebrate and much to be grateful for, and yet the winter holidays bring a lot of visible and invisible challenges. Perhaps you have some emotional wounds that tend to get activated this time of year -- expectations and struggles around family, money, relationships, work, food, alcohol, religion, health, social engagements, consumerism, winter weather ... any I missed?

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Stress and Anxiety Alexa de los Reyes Stress and Anxiety Alexa de los Reyes

Who else has a case of the “twisties”?

Have you been thinking about your orientation in time and space recently? I have, ever since reading gymnast Simone Biles’s account of getting “the twisties” – a sudden mind/body disconnect and frightening sense of bodily disorientation. While most people don’t have to navigate their bodies flying through the air, I think a lot of us struggle with a version of the twisties; some form of mind/body or time/space disconnect that can get exacerbated by stress.

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Energy Hygiene Alexa de los Reyes Energy Hygiene Alexa de los Reyes

What are you carrying that isn’t yours?

In effect, I had gone swimming in a murky stew of panic, mistrust, fear, anxiety, and grief and had come home without cleaning off. (Hand sanitizer doesn't touch it!) I could have gone on feeling bad and radiating bad feelings to my family. These things are contagious. But it has made a big difference in my life to learn to distinguish the emotions and thoughts that are mine — up to me to experience and process — and the "debris" that is floating around and can glom on to any of us. Just awareness of a percentage gives me relief and perspective. What's mine I can deal with. The rest, I know to release.

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  • If you are interested in energy healing, or are just curious, I highly recommend Alexa. I've had 2 sessions now, both which have been incredibly insightful for me. The first was in person, and the second was remote. In both sessions, Alexa was able to sense areas where I was blocked/needed energy flow and worked with those through her practice. Also, through dialoguing with me after, we talked through what she saw during the session, and how they resonated with me as areas in my life that need growth and attention. Alexa was able to give some ideas about attending to these areas, and was able to give them in a way that felt truthful but not prescriptive--she definitely works with you toward balance and healing. Alexa is clearly well trained in honing her gift--she is a wonderful combination of being wise and calm. I look forward to future sessions!

    –C.P., Registered Nurse
    Washington, DC