And you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get here?”

a ladder in the woods

Have you had the experience of “waking up” at some point during your day and realizing you hadn’t been fully present until that moment? It can be startling, like when the optometrist clicks that just-right lens into place. With sudden clarity comes the unexpected discovery that everything had previously been blurry.

New Year’s always has this waking-up-out-of-the-fog vibe for me. The many end-of-year holidays (including six family birthdays!), indulgent foods, strange schedules, and roller-coastery emotions like nostalgia, cheer, and regret, generate a haze where I lose track of time and my priorities and even my sense of self. Do I always eat pie for breakfast? I guess so? Then bam, January 1st arrives with a jolt of focus and purpose.

I am grateful for these wake-up moments for the clarity they bring and also for the reminder that we go through cycles of activity and “low-power mode.” And while it’s not always easy or even feasible in our culture to honor our natural rhythms, I think it’s worth acknowledging that we have them.

Right now I’m taking advantage of increased focus to do some studying and integrating, expand my toolkit, and create new healing offerings. Stay tuned for upcoming workshops and a new course! I’ve also been enjoying recording personalized guided meditations — I’m excited to make more on request.

I look forward to supporting your healing in the year ahead in whatever form and format resonates with you most. And please join me in setting a heart-felt intention for us all to continue showing up whenever possible in 2024 with our fullest compassion for ourselves and others.

Energy Balancing Year in Review + Looking Ahead
Over the years I've shared a wide range of energy balancing tips in these monthly posts. I love hearing about the practices that have served you — thank you for sharing with me and with others. Looking ahead, do you have questions about energy healing, intuition, chakras, high sense perception, or a related topic you would like me to cover? Let me know!

Some favorite posts from 2023 to revisit:

 +  a profound practice for managing dissonance 

 +  some of the great things about crying 

 +  how nature heals 

 +  tips for maintaining good energy hygiene

 +  a close look at placebos

And for a trippy trip down memory lane, I’ve been revisiting these two music videos that (kind of) illustrate a late December mindset and then waking up on New Year’s. Enjoy!

Alexa de los Reyes

I’m an intuitive energy healer in Amherst, MA. Each month I share ideas and practices for self-inquiry and self-directed energy balancing.


Learn to love yourself by loving yourself


Immune-boosting energy balancing practices