Energy balancing practices, tips + tools
Immune-boosting energy balancing practices
With temperatures dropping, indoor crowds increasing, stress levels spiking, and viruses multiplying, below are a few of my go-to practices for keeping blood circulating, lymph moving, and energy flowing. If you have a favorite time-tested practice I would love to hear it!
Energy hygiene for back-to-school
This time of year can be particularly challenging as many of us transition to spending more time indoors. Our systems have to contend with a thicker stew of energies end emotions in the vicinity. You might be noticing the effects of “energetic detritus” in your kids or in yourself — overwhelm, crankiness, emotional swings, and general over-saturation. We are exposed to more than we realize. While things like hand-washing are important, making a practice of also tending to “energy hygiene” can do wonders for your overall well-being.