Create robust + resilient boundaries

One of the first things I assess when working with a client is the state of their energetic “boundaries.” Many people who come to see me are struggling from being over-run with other people’s energies and emotions; they benefit from an energetic power-wash and more fortified boundaries. I also work with people who have become quite rigid and isolated in pursuit of “protection” from the world; their healing comes from finding more softness, flexibility, and receptivity.

I put the word “boundaries” in quotes because it implies something solid and impenetrable, whereas an energetic boundary is more like an eggshell — semi-permeable. At it’s best, it functions as a highly selective and discerning filter — allowing in positive, harmonious energies and blocking low, draining, or discordant ones.

We are continually interacting with other people’s energies, positive, negative, high, and low. Depending on the nature of your boundaries, you might be letting in and carrying more foreign energetic “material” in your field than you realize, affecting your mood, emotions, energy levels, and even thoughts.

Too porous and we can feel overwhelmed, foggy, confused, volatile, agitated, or exhausted, unable to sustain our own energy.

Too rigid and we can become stagnant, stuck, isolated, or depleted, unable to take in life-affirming support and connection.

While it may sometimes sound appealing, there’s no way to completely wall ourselves off from the rest of the world. Better to learn how to create a resilient, highly discerning “shell.”

There are many different approaches for creating healthy boundaries. You might focus on physical actions, psychological mindsets, or emotional frameworks. I am offering some practices that work on the underlying energetic level. Subtle yet profound. If you suspect that you could use some more robust and resilient energetic boundaries, or if you’re curious to learn more about them, I hope you’ll join me on September 24 for an online workshop to explore some helpful techniques and concepts. Details below!

Online Workshop: Building Robust + Resilient Boundaries
Join me to learn some essential life skills that they didn’t teach us in school:

  • how to assess and identify your own energy patterns and tendencies

  • how to distinguish what is “mine” and what is “not-mine”

  • ways to become energetically selective and discerning

  • good daily practices to clear and fortify your whole field

Benefits of establishing robust + resilient boundaries include:

  • a clearer sense of self

  • more energy

  • stronger agency

  • more focus and clarity

  • more self-awareness, perception, and compassion

We will also explore some frequent concerns such as whether and when we might need to “protect” our energy, what are some common energy “drains,” and how to generate a quick energy boost.

Tuesday, September 24, 12 - 1pm EST


My aim is for everyone to leave feeling clear, bouncy, energized, and empowered! I hope to see you there.

Alexa de los Reyes

I’m an intuitive energy healer in Amherst, MA. Each month I share ideas and practices for self-inquiry and self-directed energy balancing.


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